Footpaths (Kalderimia) in Kardamyli Καρδαμύλη

Recommended hikes and walks

Let’s begin with the basics: Walks are shorter in duration than hikes and treks, and can be enjoyed by any age group with relative fitness. Hikes tends to be longer, through countryside terrain, on trails that are generally visible, but not level or smooth. Harder hikes (treks) are more physically demanding, usually on rocky, steep trails through mountains.


Though walking speeds vary according to age, height, weight, payload, fitness, surface and terrain, the average human walking speed is about 5.0 kilometres (~3.1 miles) per hour.

In Kardamili, you can see a lot very beautiful things travelling at 5.0 km/hour—be it on a simple stroll around the village or on a more extended walk from, say, the Viros Bridge up to the neighbourhood of Kampos and back round via Ritsa Beach.

If you haven’t done so in a while, step out with a good pair of trainers and your favourite music. It’s one of the most-recommended forms of low-impact exercise and it’s a splendid way to zone-out.

Remember to:

  • Wear sensible footwear.
  • Take something to drink with you—if it’s summer, there may be no water en route.
  • Trim your toenails the night before you go.
  • Go as early as possible… The air is cooler, the scenery crisper.